Like most people who are just 'get acquainted' with the blogging world, I also did a lot of mistakes when starting a blog.

But from that mistake, I just get a lot of experience and learning. Which in turn, experience and learning outcomes, I use to build other blogs, including this blog, namely: Portal-Money!

Indeed, not many I've achieved on this blog, but at least there is a change and a very significant increase compared with my previous blogs. One of the most palpable is the desire to make money from a blog with satisfactory results, can finally I have achieved through this blog.

For that, this time I tried to want to share the experience. Experience departed from my failure to build my first blog. Also how do I get started building a blog PortalUang, which so far, I think is quite give satisfactory results.

The most common mistake made by a blogger at the start blogging

When it first before I make a blog, I do not know what topic you want me lift. Finally I wrote a will. I write about anything that comes to mind. Today I write about a favorite book that I read, the next day I wrote about the sport, the day after I write about design. And so on. Jumping from one topic to another.

And it turns out this is something that is wrong! The first step to achieve success in blogging is, we have to pick and choose the best niche in advance!

Now, through this article I want to share how to choose a niche that is good and right. Certainly, this is subjective, because based on my own personal experiences.

This is the biggest mistake many bloggers at the start blogging!

Are you doing the same?

In fact, post ideas at random, will not be of much help to develop your blog achieve a higher level.

However, before we delve further, I want to ask you one question:

"How do you interpret blogging itself?

Writing content for search engines, advertisements such as Adsense, get ad clicks from visitors, then expect a lot of money flowing from Adsense? "

Is it like that? If you mean 'blogging' like that, then you should stop reading the article I got here, because I am not the right person to give you guidance.

The reason I say this, is because of my experience for blogging is to do a lot of things:

choose a strong niche
writing quality content
present your content in other formats (such as video)
to identify sources of potential traffic for selected niche
look for traffic from untapped sources
build brand and the name of the blog, and
and selecting alternative sources of income (we all want to make money is not it?)
If you have a 'thinking' is the same, I hope we can continue this discussion together and walk together to achieve success.

A suggestion is useless!

If you've read a couple of blog posts about tips on choosing a niche to start building a blog, I'm sure you've found the minimum of the following tips this:

Use Google Adwords Keyword Tool (now replaced by Keyword Planner) or other keyword research tools.
Conduct analysis of the most recent thread on the topic at leading forums.
Checking a keyword on Google Search, if there are enough advertisers to those keywords.
At first glance, 3 tips above seem okay to run. But, when I asked them who suggest these tips, if they did it once when start blogging? Most of them, oddly answer: no!

Nah loh! How can these suggestions can deliver success? If even they themselves do not do it!

It seems to me a useless tips. And I am: very, very, very not suggest tips are useless!

Then, how the right to choose a niche?

I hope you follow the following description carefully. Almost every article I've ever read about choosing a niche, everything is always about 'passion'. About Passion!

All senior blogger says: You must choose a niche that you are passionate in it. Where you excited, your enthusiasm is high, you are very meyukai the topic. And indeed, in many ways, this is true.

Doing something you are very passionate in it, something that you love, surely will give the final results were outstanding.

If today, you have to have a passion for a particular topic or niche, then you no longer need to continue reading this article once.

Let us take an example, let's say you really really love your pet cat, then you really do not need any research to start blogging. You can quickly create a blog about everything about your pet cat, along with all its aspects. Or another example. Suppose you love cycling, then you can immediately begin blogging about it.

In conclusion: if you have to have passion, passion, passion, passion, against a particular topic, then you do not need to do any searches!

But wait! I know (because I also experienced it), how difficult for most people to find a topic, where we have enough passion in this area and immediately start building a blog.

Moreover, whether true passion and love for exceptional in some way, is the only successful way to build a blog?

Let's continue the discussion. I assume you are, at this time, are people who do not yet have enough passion to start blogging (I apologize for assuming this).

However, if you are still reading my article so far, I hope my conclusions could be guiding the right to find your niche. Best niche that you want wrestled.

Well, here are the steps you need to do sequentially.

1. Do not look for passion, just enough to create a passion for learning

If at this time, you do not have a topic that you are passionate about in it, you can still be successful and become a professional blogger. From my experience at the start blogging, as I have mentioned above, I do not have a topic that really got me excited in it. Therefore, it proved I failed.

So how do I find a way out of the impasse and begin PortalUang? This is what I do; I created a passion to learn everything!

Yes, that's it. One thing is very simple, yet very effective. One thing that can increase traffic by 1000%, when compared to my previous blogs.

One more thing. If you can continue to keep the passion to learn everything, then you can choose any topic you want! Due to the continued increase knowledge in a particular area, then automatically you will be able to present content extraordinary., Inspiring content, content that is sought by many people.

In my own case. At first I did not have sufficient knowledge about Google Adsense, even though I had to run away before making any Adsense blog PortalUang. Of course, as a result I failed to get the most from it.

Then I decided, creates a passion to learn a lot about Adsense, then apply it and relay it back to others through this blog.

As a result, my Adsense earnings rose more than 50-fold from the previous. Similarly, on the topic of Youtube, and the topic of blogging for money in general.

Maybe there is one question on your mind today:
Do have a passion for studying a particular topic can make me successful in previous topics not so I prefer? Do with it, I can guarantee consistently present article? The answer is: Yes. You can!

In the next article, God willing, I will discuss about how to write content on topics that were not previously so we prefer. But, to this day, it is enough to make a choice you determine the topic of your blog.


I hope, now that you are no longer confused and afraid to choose a topic that you did not really like or excited in it. Say to yourself, starting today, only armed with passion, enthusiasm and passion to keep learning, I can successfully become a professional blogger.

Up here, it means you have completed 25% of the stages in selecting your niche blog properly.

2. Make a list of topics

Now it's time to make a list of topics. Write 5-10 particular topic. No need to rush. If necessary, spend time 2-3 hours to complete the list of your topic.

It takes a bit of the 'struggle' to create a list of more than 3-4 topics. Why? Because, every time you select a topic, you immediately think of the brain that you are choosing a topic for blogging purposes, so you then think, then where did I learn about this, whether later I was able to consistently write, and so on.

That is wrong! This is the first barrier to your success. You have to liberate the mind. You now only need to select a topic only. No need to think first about blogging!

Okay, now try to look around you. View your favorite TV shows. See the website that you like, and so forth. Make a list of topics from what you saw earlier. Write down all the topics that you think might be popular and attractive. And, maybe a list of topics you would like this:

From the results look around yourself:

1. Your favorite pets
2. Household Furniture
3. Mobile (gadget)

From the results viewed websites or favorite blog:
4. Facebook
5. Youtube
6. Portal Money?

From the results to see what you're looking for last in Google:
7. How to get rid of acne?
8. Video funny?

Or you go out, and you get the topic:
9. Cars and Bikes
10. Gardening

Now, you already have a list of 10 topics, just by looking around and a bit of a creative mind.

Well, up here, you have reached 50% of the process of selecting your niche blog. Congratulations, it's time to make warm tea to refresh the body, hehehe ....

3. Narrow your topic

10 topics that you select this, I am sure there are still too wide, too wide. You will have difficulties to win the 'competition' with the topic that is too wide.

You need more expertise and passion for blogging success with broad topics in a short time. And I'll make sure, If you have more expertise (also more passion, of course), then you do not need any preparations to start blogging. Nor does it need to spend hours and hours just to make a list of topics. It is not like that?

So now, you need to and have to narrow the list of topics you earlier. The more specific and narrowed down your topic, the more straightforward way to achieve success in blogging.

Then, how narrow the topic before?

For example, from the above list, you end up choosing the topic of mobile (gadgets). If you write about gadgets in general, then you will have difficulty getting loyal readers. But, before you do this, you may be thinking:

"If I narrow down a topic, then I'll not be getting advertisers to the maximum, because the more narrow scope. And that means the potential of my income will be reduced. "

Still remember the first barrier 'at the top?

Well, this is the second barrier that will restrict you. I'll bet, if ever you blogging on topics widened, not specific, your income will never be greater, even when compared with the lowest income, if you are blogging with a specific topic. If you read a lot of my articles before, you will easily find the answer.


Yes you have to narrow your chosen topic. Once you've started blogging with a narrow topic for 3-6 months of the first, then your loyal readers want to know more about yourself.

Well, when it is, you can expand your topic little by little slowly.

Let's move on!

Of the 10 list of topics above, I tried to narrow it. Make it more specific. Examples like this:

1. Your favorite pets> Cats

2. Household Furniture> Television, or more narrowly> HD TV, LED TV

3. hand phone (gadgets)> Samsung (brand mobile phone manufacturers), Telkomsel (service provider)

4. Facebook> Create, design, promo facebook fanpage to blogger

5. Youtube> Marketing products through Youtube

6. Portal Money> Successful run affiliate

7. How to get rid of acne? > Prevent, treat acne with herbs

8. Video funny? > Baby cute> Genesis crash funny

9. Cars and Motorcycles> Event cycling

10. Gardening> Mower

You can continue to make other sub-topics, narrower and more specific.

Already? Nice, means that you have completed 75% of the electoral process your blog niche. Let us proceed.

4. Make the final selection

Time for you to decide the best option. At this stage there are two things that must be considered, namely:

1. Availability of the content of each of the selected topics
When you select a topic, do not need to consider how popular the topic. I did this experiment on PortalUang, by starting to write two different topics, namely the topic of Google Adsense and Youtube. Both are very popular topic.

The first 30 the first day, I wrote about getting money from Adsense. Then I proceed to write about getting money from Youtube in just 5 days!

How is the result? It turned out that the average traffic from search engines (Google) on the topic of Adsense (which is 6 times more spent) together with visits to the article on the topic Youtube. Sound strange?

Both are very popular subject. But, there is a big difference in traffic from Google.

How come?

After I researched further, I finally found a reason that makes sense here, namely: the ratio between the availability of existing content on a specific topic with many demands on the content.

And in fact, Google Adsense has very many resources available, either the article or video. So it is difficult to win persaingan.Sebaliknya, little is providing a source of reference about getting money from Youtube, so it is not strange within 1 week, the article 'to get money from Youtube' gave traffic is quite large, and managed to hang in the top of a Google search.

Well, the conclusion: make an analysis which topics have the least availability. Then, choose a topic to start blogging.

2. How do you make money from your blog?
These two factors, into consideration in determining the final choice in choosing a blog topic. Do you plan to build and sell an e-book after the success of blogging in the next 6 months? Do you intend to issue a physical product to sell? Or you just want to run your affiliate business? Or maybe you want to want to reach direct advertisers on your blog?

Determine which method you will use to earn money from your blog, then specify the niche which provide greater opportunities for such purposes.

For example, if you intend to sell a physical product, then you can write about the 'cat and purchases, stock and tools for the disabled cat', misalnya.Jika you prefer to use PPC advertising models, you can choose to blogging on the topic gadget brands certain. If you want to run an affiliate, then you can choose blogging about their products online.

Well, if you have completed this stage, it has been 100% completed stages in selecting your niche blog. Do not get too make this process into something hard. Your hard work later, in turn, will determine your success by itself.

If today, you already have a blog, and already has several articles that 'not successful', throw it. Switch and start focusing on the topic you have selected is. Or even if you currently have quite a lot of articles 'not successful', and you want to keep it, it does not matter, you can still continue with the new specific topics you specify before ..

final conclusions
Do not choose a topic that is 'easy' to be written every day, that there is no challenge to deepen and expand knowledge. Because, if you serve something that is 'too easy', then there is no value given to the reader.

I also did not write this guide for those who (sorry) 'lazy' and would like to work a little. Blogging really requires hard work. In fact, I can honestly say, maybe blogging is the hardest work, the most grueling and most time that I have ever lived.

Reluctantly, can quickly stop you anytime.

Finally, I would like to hear your experience all about the subject of this article. Or maybe you have tips and strategies that better? Please share via the comments field. Success for us all.


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