Importance of Integration Between AdSense and Analytics

Importance of Integration Between AdSense and Analytics

Google adsense with google analytics are two things that are mutually exclusive of each other and have other functions as well. But both are Google products that are designed for bloggers.

However, we can combine or integrate between them so it could be something more beneficial and useful for us as a blogger.

The difference between adsense with analytics briefly as follows:

*. Adsense has various different types of advertising, such as advertising code, tab earnings, see the ads and so forth as well as having its own counters or simple analytics.

*. Analytics are tools that we know will give us a complete blog, but could not make ads like adsense code, but can only see and analyze their blogs when they are integrated with adsense itself.

So what benefits does integrate the adsense with analytics ?.

For those of you who already have an active AdSense account, it can be put together, so that all you could adsense reporting detection in Google analytics dashboard.

Which it has the ultimate goal to increase revenue from adsense. So we can do optimization if look at the statistics from analytics.

How important is integration of both?

Adsense to analytics
Adsense to analytics
I think it is very important, given that both are free tools that we can use to reach the coffers of money from the internet.

Whether in an email or in my adsense optimization tab can often notice if I have to integrate the two, in order to obtain maximum results.

We of analytics can find a variety of things such as the following:

*. Articles are most get many clicks
*. The article was the largest of its bounce rate
*. Type articles such as whether the favored visitors and get as many clicks
*. Knowing how the impact of visitors on the development adsense earnings
, And many more in fact that we can get.

From there we can learn the type of visitors we like what, like articles what, like what kind of ad clicks and so appropriately.

So in the future it could be a benchmark for us to create articles that are generating a lot of clicks and preferred by the visitors.

By always pay attention to analytics blog, so we can really understand our own blog to understand the behavior of visitors on our blog.

From there we can earn more because of interest-based visitors.

Thus the discussion about the importance of integration between adsense with analytics. May be useful for us all.

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