Step choose article topics

Step choose article topics

This morning, I talked with a friend who is very keen to create a blog.

He says: "I have never blogged before, so I was confused choosing the right blog topic. I think this is the most difficult part to create a blog. "

Maybe a lot of people who feel the same as my friend said, to make them halt even before the start.

I have several times wrote about the problem of choosing the topic of this blog, among them:

The Complete Guide to Choosing the Best Topic, 5 Tips on Choosing a Topic for Building Success Blog and How to Find a Profitable Idea Blog Topics

However, to complete it, I tried to go back to review this issue. Hope it can help you that are 'troubled' search for the perfect topic for you to manage.

Remember one thing: its reputation is built by those who share knowledge, experience and insights they have.

We currently live in the information age, where people rely heavily on the information and make the Internet as a place to get it. This is important you choose the right topic for the blog you want built.

Back to the point:

In choosing the topic of your blog, you basically choose a topic that you like, you are good, and it takes a lot of people

That's the perfect topic. Topics most appropriate for you to choose, it should always be a part of three of the above, namely:

your passions
your expertise
market demand
To be more clear, let's look below:
best topic for your blog
 Now let us discuss them one by one:
1. Things that you like (what you're willing to do for free for others)
Let's be honest-honesty: most blogs are really boring, is not it? They look like a lot of other blogs, the content they like many other blogs, and they are easily forgotten like many other blogs. There is no demand or need for adequate against the content being served!

In fact, not everyone understands what is meant by engaging content. Many bloggers simply 'flip through' content, they were seen to be a 'content-producing machines', rather than a human being sharing.

They were able to write a lot of articles unique focus on keyword, but is unable to answer any questions from readers.

Content they lose weight and ideas. Loss of substance. Lose value. Their content is not exciting, is not useful, do not entertain, nor attract attention!

To find the perfect topic for your blog, try to look inside yourself. Look at where you get the energy to do anything.

Managing blog, it means you are ready to create content consistently on selected topics, so you should not run out of ideas and words, about what you want delivered. Moreover, to have lost interest immediately: because you do not absolutely love it!

Think carefully: what topics where you have a lot of experience, knowledge and passion necessary, to be able to go from day to day as a blogger?

Something that you enjoy doing and really care. Something that moves you emotionally. Something that makes you 'live'!

There is one thing that definitely belong to every blogger, namely: uniqueness. You are unique. You write your own content, no other blogs that can imitate it. Bring yourself to the front of the reader. It must clear who figure behind the content you are presenting.

Develop a unique style and distinctive sound of your own. Write articles creative and interesting, then you will get a lot of loyal readers and followers.

Basically, a blog is like a record of experience. Side and the human factor, that's the main thing. By sharing the story of your life, then build personal relationships, making the reader feel you are a real human being, not just machines creators!

Treat your blog like a living room. Be a good host for their visit.

Take a look at your diary again, the books you buy, the blog you subscribe, website bookmarks, or the people you follow on Twitter. Consider the case where you spend leisure time.

How do you spend much time at leisure, can help find your true passion and what is most interesting in your life. Blogging about the things you love, the knowledge you have, make you enjoy what you do, and it will transform work into a pleasure. Is there anything better than that?

I've written more about how to find your true potential life. If you are interested, please read: 7 Key Finding Purpose in Life.

Indeed, by doing it all, does not automatically guarantee success. But certainly, the odds of success are much greater if you really love and immerse yourself emotionally in your topic.

Well, here are some questions that can help you find the topics you care about most:
Who are you?
What are you willing to do for free?
What do you do for a living?
What most like to do it?
What is your hobby?
What most excites your spirit?
What do you dream?
2. Things you are good (where you have the ability and experience)
Passion and love for you that will make you able to go through obstacles, as well as the fuel that keeps you faithful from day to day. But…. passion, not the only one you need.

The second thing you need to look at myself or my ability to say: asset you have. You must find your own unique characteristic. Or in other words:

Find what makes you different from everyone else, something special about you, a reason why people should listen to you and not the other.

It is far easier to bring visitors, if you have a topic that is really the focus. You build an image as an 'expert' in the field, as well as the reader knows exactly what they expect from you.

People will pay more attention to those who are seen as experts. Therefore, focus on specific areas where you are able to build its image as an expert in his field.

True, you will not be able to be an expert in every field. However, if you tend to write any idea, or any issue that just popped into your mind, you will quickly lose direction.

That all means, you must discover what the best thing you can do, or things that you can do better than anyone else.

Write 'what you know'.

Even if you really like something, but if it did not quite master that field, you will be difficult to attract an audience. You need real experience and credibility, not to be underestimated by the reader.

Look, sometimes you find a challenge for others is very difficult, but it seemed easy for you. Well, it could be, which is a valuable asset that the distinguishing you from the other.

Find it, write down the main points. Compare with passion or favorite list that you found in the previous step.

Discover that you can solve problems, and explain why you offer a solution that is more valuable than other blog bid.

For example, suppose you are so fond of the music group Koes Plus, you spend a lot of time to enjoy the music of their work, collected every album they release. It could be, that's your best subject.

Then you collect and write a lot of information about them, and then mold them into a blog that is presented systematically. Not impossible later deemed successful you create your own niche, which becomes a reference, as the main source for those who want to know more about Koes Plus.

Of course, it is just a simple example. You can apply to most any topic you can afford.

In that case, you should never oppose thought and analysis that you create. Never censor themselves. Write from the heart and be yourself.

Remember, personal opinions are very important, and that the people behind the content is what makes a piece of content out as winners.

Indeed, you do not need to be the best in the world. You just need to express your own unique viewpoint alone. Passion and obsession embrace you wholeheartedly. If you managed to dig it up, then the content you produce really is the best content from ever existing.

To help you, ask yourself:

What is the most you know?
What talents do you have? (Still hidden?)
What are your best skills and abilities?
What is the thing you think something is hard to come by, which is rare but so valuable?
Why are you different? Why are you special? Why should people listen to you, but not others?
What distinguishes you in that area?
3. The reality of the market (what is needed by many people?)
Blog successful, not built on the basis of passion and idea. Find the topics you like, where you have a skill that differentiates you from others, does not necessarily make a great success of your topic.

Just because you are so fond of something and master it, it does not mean there is an audience that is enough for him.

One of the biggest mistakes bloggers fail, is they create content "of himself" and not "about their readers". Unless you are so attractive to them (and this was something that took a long time to make it happen), visitors to the blog, in general, will not will not matter, will not want to hear your voice.

There is no such thing as love at first sight in the world of blogging. Visitors will not want to spend time with someone who speaks of things not relevant to their needs.

They do not care about you!

They only care about themselves. They just want to hear something useful for them. They want information that they can use. They want to 'taught' something. They want to be entertained. They want answers to the question that hung in their minds.

You need to specify the topic you are passionate about in it, you really master it well, and the topic was much needed and has a target audience that much anyway.

Look at what other people have been trying to do, and help them solve it. Consider the realities of the marketplace to information requests your chosen topic.

How popular is the topic? Is there much demand to get it? Does it offer a real solution to the problem faced by many people?

However, you will not be able to write to all the people, then do not also make it difficult for yourself. You only need to know your target readers, before you can present the content effectively.

Some questions that may help:

Who is your target audience?
Where are they live? In the city? In the village?
Jazz or Dangdut?
What difficulties they are experiencing?
The question of what they hope for immediate answers?
You can start with a general description. Starting from a very spacious environment, then became more specific and more specifically with the average profile of your target readers. From there then you can help them get answer to their questions.

Just look at what other bloggers have done related to your topic. But remember, do not ever try to imitate them, because it will not take you anywhere. But learn from them. Learn what they are and how best serving their readers responses.

Then find the difference between you and the 'competitors' you (there really is no such thing as a competitor in the world of blogging).

The greatest thing you can do to get out of the crowd of millions of other bloggers, is to create your own niche and not by imitating what other people do.

You will not be able to be a 'leader' by following the 'leader' other.

Well, that's 3 steps how you find the best topic to build a successful blog.

"But I still have not able to find the best topic for my blog. How? What should I do?"

If, after you follow the steps above, have not found the perfect topic for your blog, you should read:

Should Writing Topic You Like to Make Money from Blog?
Make Money from Blog to 'Sell' information? This trick!
What if one blog = two topics?

Remember, you need to let people know about what exactly your blog. You need to give a reason why they should click on your link and not link other blogs. To do this, you need to be specific. It also became clear, what problem they could find the answer on your blog.

The more narrow your topic, the greater the potential for success.

Look through the eyes of the reader. If I like a thread, read a post, like a comment, I'll go to the front page of the blog in question and see what the blog is actually speaking.

If the author jump to various topics from posting one post to another, it's hard I will subscribe him, because it is likely to be lots of content that did not appeal to me.

Or in other words, if the content is quite specific and concentrate on a particular topic, I just want to fill in your email address in the subscribe column.

What if you love more than one topic?

I still recommend to work on the topic in advance. Give it 3-6 months, focus on writing good content and quality. Focus also promote it to your target audience.

After some time, the process will become easier, you will have to write its own rhythm, maybe 2-3 posts per week. Then the content promotional efforts would be much easier, probably no more than just share it on Facebook or Google+ or create a Tweet about it.

Once everything so much easier, you then may develop into other topics.

And for those of you have managed to find the best topic for blogging, but it remains unclear how to create content that is of very, please see: Best Strategy Guide Creating Great Content.

I hope you have a different view than before on how to choose the right topic for your blog after reading this article.

Thanks for your time, I would appreciate it if you are willing to share it via Facebook or Google+

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